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Lab Members


Etay Hay

Principal Investigator

Independent Scientist, Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics, CAMH

​​Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Physiology, University of Toronto


Affiliated with TCAIREM, Max Planck Institute


Alexandre Guet-McCreight

Postdoctoral Fellow

In-silico testing of new pharmacology (GABA synaptic modulators) for treating depression

Linking changes in neuronal and circuit mechanisms to impaired brain function in aging


Faraz Moghbel

Graduate Student (PhD), Physiology & Neuroscience, University of Toronto

Deriving large-scale neuronal connectivity from microcircuit activity

In-silico EEG biomarkers of PV interneuron inhibition in schizophrenia


Hannah Seo

Undergraduate Student, Neuroscience, University of Toronto

In-silico EEG biomarkers of PV interneuron inhibition in schizophrenia

Lab Alumni

Kant Yao (2019 - 2024) - graduate student, PhD

Frank Mazza (2019 - 2024) - graduate student, MSc and PhD

Sana Rosanally (2021 - 2023) - graduate student, MSc

Taaha Hassan (2021 - 2023) - undergraduate student, NSERC and TCAIREM awarded research projects

April Hilton (2021) - graduate student, summer research project

Maggie Wishart (2020) - undergraduate student, NSERC-awarded summer research

Ana Han (2019) - undergraduate student, summer research volunteer

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